Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My My

Boy am I ever tired!!!  You see, I don't know if anyone has figured this out about me but I am one of those green people.  I don't mean green like the girl in star trek mind you, I mean that the moment there is no snow on the ground, I look outside for the first signs of life.  This year I had a violet that bloomed all winter the crazy thing.  Toward the end the blooms got smaller and smaller, but what a strong little soul for trying so hard.  Now however it is difficult for me to plant my narrow butt in this chair to work instead of planting things outside to grow.  I started some seeds a couple weeks ago, but then because of the rain they got all weedy and weak.  I was sad.  Now I have planted a bunch more and have my fingers crossed that they will do the same, up 12 days before their pack says they will germinate thing, without being all slim and pale.  I could go on about it for hours... but being outside with my vain efforts at taming my bit of land here leaves me all sleepy later.  But I was still pretty productive now that you know my issues with green so,  here's the list:

I was able to get that last concept page for Meth completed.  I've already started to color it so you gotta wait to see it till it's all done.  I figure that way you will get an idea of what the other pages are going to look as well.  I don't know if I had mentioned this previously or not, but I have half of the book colored already.  I know what I will need to do to make the pages print ready and am very much looking forward to this beast in all of its glory.  I think that with the editions that I sell at conventions, I will encluse a disc that has some of the precolor work on it as well as some neat screen savers and other original art.  I had also though to make a bookmark too that would be included.  this is what happens when you give an artist a shrink wrap machine... we'll find a use for anything.

I know I went on about it a short while ago, but I am so happy with this last page of The Origin.  It is the first time that I tried to draw Cain as a child.  I feel it came out pretty well and it is the first time that most people will see what he looked like before the scar.  I can't believe I made this story so long!  I hope that you all enjoy it and I swear, it does get better as it goes along.  Here's the link:
Page 11

So Nathan has been unable to get a connection for very long so has not been able to tell you that he is going to SPACE (a convention) this coming weekend.  Please make sure you stop by to see him, or make the effort to track him down, if you go.  I believe that he will be with Speak Easy Productions so check with them first.  Now this is not just some random jibe to get the boy some looks at a con. I hooked him up and he will have some things with him from Rose against the mooN.  I sent him a care package that includes two different smaller posters, two different bookmarks, and one larger poster for Static Lullaby.  I'm really happy with how these things came out and I hope that he has a great time at the con.  Here is what one of the smaller posters looks like, though I think this is one instance where the print somehow looks better than the digital...

Now for those of you who don't know, I am reprinting the illustrious book 1 of Am I Immortal in an extended edition.  It is available on Indyplanet right now and I should get my first run of them in the next two days.  There was an error with the original run but now everything is perfect.  It looks amazing and I was able to work with the staff at Kablam to really make it what I had in my mind's eye.  I am so pleased with how it has come together and I feel that it holds true to my intent for Am I Immortal: clean, elegant, and a touch dark and messy.  I will have them with me for the few summer shows that I am able to do.  I really love the book now and I hope that you do as well!

Alright!  I did mention that I was tired from playing in the dirt all day and then playing in the digital world after the sun went down.  My body desperately wants me to be nocturnal so mornings are getting more and more rough.  Maybe I should just sleep till about 12, eat, go outside around 3ish, come in around 6 or 7 for dinner... and then catch up on my shows and work on some artwork.  Man, I need to find a go around for the day job :Sigh:  Soon enough my pretties.  Till then, enjoy the growing warmth of the night.

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