Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This week has been nutty.  I suppose that could be said each week... but I have been feeling it more.  Perhaps it is the Holiday.  I have see some pretty amazing things some of which I will share before the usual update.  I had my birthday, which I really wasn't looking forward to at all.  It turned out to be a lot better than I thought.  The only thing I had wanted, I got, which were super chocolate cupcakes.... and I discovered some wonderful things.  I have this flower that is blooming in my garden.  Seems so trivial, but despite the chill, the time of year, that none of the trees have leaves around it... my gypsy rose created one giant last flower which opened in a bed of chocolate mint on my birthday.  I have been told that I am foolish to think that this would not or could not happen... as it is my garden after all... but it was so nice last year when my violets bloomed through the snow... and the rose this year.  It is as though the world is trying to remind me that I once took in every day as though it was the first time I had seen it.  Whatever there is out there that took pity on me and made such a direct spectacle to get my head back into the game... thanks.

So this last week I have once more tried to be as busy as I'm able and chip away at my workload.  Here's what I got:

Am I Immortal: The Crypt has its pencils completed.  I shall be moving to the inks on that in the next two weeks.  I aim to get a few more things finished before I... tie myself to the bottle as it were, but am very much looking forward to getting started on it.  The Crypt caps off at 24 pages, that's 2 more than my work with Free Lunch.  I will also be reinstating Mini-Cain so you can look forward to that.  The worst thing about it is my dry sense of humor so if you can get over that... you should enjoy it.

Am I Immortal: The Origin has seen some of its last revision now.  As you know my intention was to post the piece online and have it eventually printed as a hard cover.  This will indeed be the case though it will take me a LONG time.  The script is 47 pages in it's most basic form.  That means that it will cap off at 50 minimum with the potential for more if I have stand alone imagery or interject some advertisers... which I may choose not to do in the case of the advertisers.  My intention was to have this maintain the look and feel of a fairy tale despite its adult themes.  Somehow I got this crazy idea that a good story can be beautiful, and have since been pushing myself to improve enough so that this vision is satisfactorily brought into existence.

I have also gotten a lot closer to completing the finished inks on Static Lullaby.  It is an interesting layout and I hope I am able to create the feel that Nathan had wanted through out the story.  Working off of Sean's base inks has made it easy to just add a little here and there to really make it pop as I feel he did a great job.  I predict that these pages will come together smoothly, though I know of one that may have me swearing at it a few times.... but the last page is always the worst...

I have been writing a short story recently.  I keep getting interrupted so it has been very slow going.  I have some fears that it will be inconsistent.  It doesn't even have a name yet.  I just had this idea I needed to get out.  I will post more information on it as it comes into clearer focus.

Sadly that's it... but that's a lot if you think about it.  I admit that a fair amount of my invested time went into The Origin.  It had started as an 11 page piece and needed serious alteration before it would be image ready.  I also had to do a lot of content alteration as, at the time I had originally written the thing.... I was really into some parts of it and just not into other parts.  Hopefully I have filled in those gaps.  Till next time my beautiful damned... enjoy the night.

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